• Event Details


04 February 2023 - 05 February 2023

8.30 am - 6.00 pm

‘India Habitat’ Centre, Near Airforce Bal Bharati School, Lodhi Rd., Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110003

This MIA Symposium, a much sought-after CE event for every Clinician which has been a regular feature held Annually of the Indian Orthodontic Calendar, for more than a decade. Due to pandemic conditions, this event was not held for the past two years. Now, once again it is making its appearance with some renewed vigour! This event showcases Clinicians of merit, from both International as well as Domestic Orthodontic Discipline.

The primary focus of this program shall be an audit of Contemporary
Trends and status of ‘Clinical Care delivery in Orthodontics’:
The thrust of programming will around
Mini Screw based Anchorage & Aligner Therapy, its relevance today

The general sessions of the meeting will be in the following format:
1. Long Communications of ‘Keynote Presentation’- Mainstay of the program
2. Short Communications will give an opportunity to ‘Next Gen’ speakers to display their skills in presenting the emerging trends of Clinical delivery.
3. Clinical ‘Snapshots’ session

  • Program
  • Faculty
  • Accommodation


Day 1: February 4, 2023

(Two Day Scientific Deliberations shall be an actively inter-active, with a post-presentation Q & A, for a short time. Further, participants are encouraged to pose Questions – in a specially created WA-group, that will be answered by the Faculty in a Brain-Trust Slot slated at end of each day)

8.00 am Registration
8.45 am Inaugurations/ Introductions


9.00 - 10.00 am ‘Will Machines Dehumanize Orthodontics?: Artificial Intelligence and its Implications’ Prof. Anmol Kalha
BDS, MDS, OSRE, New Delhi, India
10.00 - 11.15 am ’Digital Technology & Chairside Skeletal Anchorage in Daily Practice’ Dr. B. Giuliano Maino
MD, DDS, MSc., Vicenza, Italy
11.30 - 11.45 am Tea Break
11.45 - 12.15 pm ‘Expanding the Envelope of Treatment Possibilities: Mini screws and Bone Screw Way!!!’ Dr. Salil Nene
BDS., MDS, Pune, India
12.15 - 1.15 pm ‘Are Human Inputs Dispensable in Orthodontics Today?’ Dr. Mani K. Prakash
BDS, MDS, Mumbai, India
1.15 - 2.15 pm Lunch


2.15 - 3.15 pm ‘Enhancing Treatment Outcomes – A Need-based Selection of Resources’ Dr. Rajaganesh Gautam
MDS, DNB, Pune, India
3.15 - 5.30 pm Interactive Session on ‘Status of Aligner Treatment Today: A Critical Review’
Moderated by Dr. Anmol Kalha & Dr. Vinod Verma

Introductory Remarks By the Chair
  ‘Aligners – Why Not!’ Dr. Rajiv Ahluwalia
BDS, MDS, New Delhi
  ‘It’s not the Appliance, It’s the Orthodontist and Orthodontics that Matters’ Dr. Digant Thakkar
BDS, MDS, Rajkot, Gujrat, India
  ‘Why does Orthodontic treatment with Clear Aligners lack Predictability?’ Dr. Sunanda Roychoudhury
BDS, MDS, New Delhi
  Closing Remarks & Discussions with Q & A
7.30 pm Cocktails & Dinner

Day 2: February 5, 2023



9.15 - 10.15 am ‘The Success story of Non-extraction Treatment without and with TAD-supported Anchorage’ Prof. O. P. Kharbanda
MDS, M.Orth RCS, FDS RCS, (Edinburgh), FDS RCS, (England)
10.15 - 11.15 am ‘Aesthetic Excellence with Passive Self Ligation & TAD’s’ Dr. Bilal Koleilat
DDS, MS., Beirut, Lebanon
11.15 - 11.30 am Tea Break
11.30 - 12.30 pm ‘Treatment Effects, Limitations and Long-term stability of Non-extraction Molar Distalization treatment, with Micro implants and Clear Aligners’ Prof. Hyo-Sang Park
DDS, MS, Ph.D, Degu, Korea
12.30 - 1.15 pm ‘Contemporary Trends in Management of Peculiar Clinical Situations with Implant Anchorage!!!’ Dr. Jayesh S. Rahalkar
MDS, M.Orth RCS, FDS RCS, (Edinburgh), Pune, MH
1.15 - 2.15 pm Lunch


2.15 - 2.45 pm ‘Treatment Strategies in Complex Orthodontic Cases using Micro-Implants and Orthodontic Bone Screws’ Dr. Jeegar Vakil
BDS, MDS, Surat, India
2.45 - 3.15 pm ‘Extra-alveolar TADs in Practice’ Dr. S. Harshvardhan
BDS MDS, Navi Mumbai, India
3.45 - 4.15 pm ‘TAD Supported Customised Orthodontic Appliances’ Dr. Digant Thakkar
BDS, MDS, Rajkot, Gujrat, India
4.15 - 5.30 pm Chai pe Charcha! - ‘Brain Trust’ on All Topics of the Symposium
Moderated by Dr. Mani K. Prakash & Dr. Vinod Verma
A ‘Brain Trust’ Programme where all the ‘Invited Faculty’ shall be posed with ‘All Queries’ Posed by participants for the duration of the Congress
5.00 pm Valedictory Function


Course Fee
